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06 October 2007

More fun and games...

With bobbing, weaving Premier McSlippery.
-- MARKHAM, Ont. -- Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty defended his record on jobs Friday, as newly released figures showed Ontario's struggling manufacturing sector continues to hemorrhage jobs.

Statistics Canada reported Friday Ontario lost an additional 11,000 high-paying manufacturing jobs last month. The sector has shed as many as 180,000 jobs over the past four years, according to experts.

"We still find ourselves being challenged in the manufacturing sector," McGuinty said. "There's no doubt about that."
That's an interesting way to deal with the situation.

I guess Dalton doesn't see that he's been breaking all his promises either... he's just "being challenged in the ethical sector."
Ontario's employment growth rate of 1.2 per cent for 2007 lags behind the national average of 1.7 per cent and the province has now lost 44,000 manufacturing jobs since the start of the year.

"That's our concern and our understanding," said Ian Howcroft, Ontario vice-president of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. "A lot of the jobs we're getting now are... lower-paid service jobs."

RELATED: Dalton, please stop "fixing stuff"
-- SARNIA -- Spiralling costs, lack of accountability and incompetence have made Sarnia’s new hospital “ground zero” for Dalton McGuinty’s style of management, Conservative leader John Tory said here today.

Expansion of the Bluewater Health Centre, originally estimated to cost $140 million has ballooned to $319 million, raising a firestorm of controversy and a political headache for Liberal Caroline Di Cocco. Di Cocco is accused of knowing about cost-overruns in August but suppressing that information.
How does Premier McSlippery respond?
-- MARKHAM -- Dalton McGuinty continued his frontrunner-style campaign yesterday by shrugging off questions about spiralling costs at a privately-built Sarnia hospital.

Asked several times, Mr. McGuinty refused to answer why construction estimates have more than doubled for the Bluewater Hospital project.

“Here’s the great news: the NDP didn’t close any hospitals, they just didn’t build any,” Mr. McGuinty said when asked to explain the soaring costs, apparently referring to the Bob Rae NDP government toppled more than twelve years ago.
Ontario deserves better.

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