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06 October 2007

Child sacrifice is alive and well

Exactly why is it considered acceptable to offer up the lives of Canadian children to the "lunatic gods of cultural appeasement and political correctness?"
Manitoba's child welfare system has been under scrutiny since 2003, when the province's single service "devolved" into four separate agencies: two for Aboriginals, one of Metis and one for the rest of the province's children.

At least in part, the rationale was to ensure that at-risk children maintain a crucial link with their heritage and their communities -- a philosophy aimed at avoiding a repeat of such past mistakes as the residential school policy or what the Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Phil Fontaine once described as the "cultural genocide" of adoption into non-Aboriginal homes.
What price, paid in human lives, are we willing to hand over... to suck up to this culturally deluded, fuzzy-bunny leftbot policy?
However, eight children have died while in care in four years. Most recently, two-year-old Gage Guimond was killed in July when he was plucked from a loving foster family and "reunited" with a great-aunt who is now facing manslaughter charges.
It seems we're all too willing to find out.

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