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13 October 2007

Jean Chretien Unplugged

I suppose the subtext here, yet again, is, "biting the hand that bled you."
-- OTTAWA -- "I was damned if I was going to let myself be shoved out the door by a gang of self-serving goons."

"By trying to force me to go, they aroused my competitive spirit, ignited my anger, and inadvertently gave me the blessing I needed from Aline to fight for a third term."

"For that, ironically, I owed Paul Martin a great deal of thanks."
The usual self serving, self-congratulatory, self-absolving, "it was all the other guys fault" political memoir. For maximum schadenfreude, make sure you read the whole article.



Almost forgot an interesting little sidenote here.

Chretien also claims that the Liberal government, under his steady hand, was on track to meet Canada's Y2Kyoto committments.

Chretien asserts that his successor Paul Martin... and Martin's environment minister... whatshisname... screwed up and made an irretrievable mess of that whole sacred environmental mission.

Yeeeeeouch... that's gonna leave a mark!

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