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13 October 2007

It didn't work for the...

Wizard of Oz either...

"Pay no attention to the nuclear reactor behind the curtain."
-- NEW YORK, Oct 13 (Reuters) -- Israel's air strike inside Syria last month was directed at a site judged by Israeli and U.S. intelligence analysts to be a partly constructed nuclear reactor, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions.

Citing U.S. and foreign officials who had access to the analysts' intelligence reports, all who spoke under condition of anonymity, the Times said the reactor was apparently modeled on one in North Korea used for stockpiling nuclear weapons fuel.

A senior Israeli official said the attack was meant to "re-establish the credibility of our deterrent power," the Times said.

Several U.S. officials told the paper the strike may also have been intended for the attention of Iran and its nuclear program.

RELATED: Nyah, nyah, Bashar is a big, fat liar
-- BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Syrian President Bashar Assad told the British Broadcasting Corp. on Monday that Israeli warplanes attacked an "unused military building" in his country last month and said Damascus reserves the right to retaliate.
After this incredibly feeble (even by middle eastern Arab standards) denial... you just knew there just had to be some really interesting heaps of smoking rubble somewhere in this thing.

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