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04 October 2007

Forget about Taliban prisoners...

Dalton McGuinty is complicit in torturing your granny...
The Ontario government is helping to break its own laws when it lets nursing homes leave elderly residents lying for hours in urine-soaked diapers, according to a legal opinion prepared for the Ontario Federation of Labour.

Written by Toronto lawyers Mary Cornish and Jo-Anne Pickel, the 29-page brief concludes that most nursing homes in the province violate laws, regulations and binding contractual obligations that require long-term care institutions to keep patients "clean and dry" and "promote their dignity and independence."
You know all those commercials that claim Dalton McGuinty is moderating the weather, curing cancer and helping the blind to see again?

Funny... he kind of skips over Ontario's senior citizens.
They say the so-called 75 per cent rule, whereby a diaper is changed only after it is three-quarters full of urine, contravenes the province's human rights code against discrimination on the basis of age, disability and sex (elderly women suffer from incontinence more than men).

RELATED: McGuinty government craps on seniors
Call me crazy... but my Grandma should eat at least as well... as serial killer Paul Bernardo.

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