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08 September 2007

Zero tolerance for aboriginal thuggery

John Tory finds his Conservative voice... tells local media he won't tolerate epidemic of native lawbreaking...
As premier, John Tory says he would enforce a "one law for all" legal system and apply it to aboriginals who occupy lands as a form of protest against proposed developments, such as the uranium mine near Sharbot Lake and Mohawks who have blocked rail lines and highways near Deseronto.

Speaking to reporters from Osprey Media newspapers by telephone, the provincial Progressive Conservative leader suggested he would establish a zero-tolerance policy on aboriginal land occupations if he is elected premier of Ontario on Oct. 10.

"We can't have even legitimate complaints settled by people taking the law into their own hands," Tory said in response to a question about the six-week-old uranium mine blockade by local Algonquins in North Frontenac.
That sure beats how the McGuinty Fiberals have chosen, or more to the point, haven't chosen, to deal with these things.
Late last month, Superior Court Justice Gordon Thomson issued a temporary injunction against the Algonquins, ordering the blockade to end.

The injunction has been ignored to date and the blockade is now in its sixth week.
And a little closer to home...
Mohawks have occupied a quarry near Deseronto for several months and have blockaded CN Rail lines and Highway 2 and forced OPP to close Highway 401 in their ongoing protests.
Thank you, Dalton Do-Little.

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