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08 September 2007

Let's not be too hasty...

Who knows... maybe they were gonna use 'em to deliver toys to sick kids with cancer.
-- BERLIN -- Militant Islamic terror suspects had brought three vans into Germany but it has yet to be determined whether they intended to use them as car bombs in a foiled attack on U.S. and other targets, an official said Saturday.

Petra Kneuer, spokeswoman for the Federal Prosecutor's Office, said that in addition to the three suspects arrested Tuesday, authorities are investigating seven others.
The most important thing here is not to think bad thoughts.
Kneuer was asked about a report in the newsweekly Focus that said the three suspects arrested Tuesday had obtained the used vans from France.

"So far it hasn't been shown that there really was a link to the planned attacks," she told The Associated Press.

RELATED: Meanwhile, back on Planet Reality
For the past nine months, since returning from a training camp in Pakistan, Fritz Gelowicz allegedly gathered 750kg of hydrogen peroxide to make several truck bombs that would be directed at American air bases or clubs and pubs frequented by Americans.

But during that same period he also went through a number of rituals as if preparing himself for death, or at least for a dramatic change.

In January, soon after being spotted spying on a US base in Hanau, he married a German-Turkish woman according to the strict rules of Islam; the bride wore a burka.

A few days ago he mystified his parents by visiting them both and bidding them farewell.

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