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04 September 2007

Too much coffee, or maybe not enough

That poor beknighted Stephane Dion... I just imagine him sitting at the breakfast table with the newspaper in his hand, moaning... "I yam so confuse of dis ting."
The oft-repeated promise of a vote in Parliament on Canada's future on Afghanistan is particularly confusing because the Harper government will not say what the question will be, or even which side it will take, he said.

"How will they vote on their own vote?" Mr. Dion asked in an interview yesterday. "Why don't they say that today?"
See Steffi, it's not that hard to understand. The Prime Minister has unambiguously stated, on more than one occasion, there will be a vote in Parliament and, unlike your slippery puffin party, the Conservatives will be voting their oft-stated principle of continuing to aid the citizens of Afghanistan.

Ah, Stef... you readin' me here, pal?
"They're saying there will be a vote, and before the vote, we will continue the ambiguity. A signal is an ambiguous word - it's a decision that they should make."
I guess not.

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