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03 September 2007

Ireland's multicultural solution

Looks like they'll be going with that golden-oldie, tried and true formula... segregation.
-- DUBLIN, Ireland -- Children of African immigrants will attend an all-black school because they have failed to receive places in Ireland's overloaded education system, the government confirmed Monday.
Sounds a little retro, a little "so last century" to me.

I'm surprised, in todays climate of uber-political correctness that anyone would propose, never mind implement, this particular strategy.

To be fair, it sounds as though their infrastructure is being overwhelmed and they simply don't have any other choice.
More than 25,000 Africans have settled in Ireland since the mid-1990s. Most arrived as asylum seekers, and many took advantage of Ireland's law — unique in Europe — of granting citizenship to parents of any Irish-born child.

Voters toughened that law in a 2004 referendum.
Wonder how things in Canada would compare.

Just a thought.