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11 September 2007

Say Dalton, here's a idea...

Get Attorney General Michael Bryant to start working on... "No Parole. No Funeral".
The guy charged with his murder, Andrew Dexter Bourne, is back on the front page again. The last time was Feb. 12, 2004 under the headline "Sun photog nabs gun suspect."

That photog is gutsy Dave Thomas, who took the great picture first and tackled the suspect second. He did his job as a journalist and as a citizen.

When the dust settled, Bourne, a cousin of recently slain teen Jordan Manners, was sentenced to 27 months in prison.
Maybe someone can explain to me, how taking gopher rifles off of farmers was gonna stop this animal from killing someone?

Because it didn't.



RELATED: More Liberal letdown...
"Those dreams of seeing Tie Domi cry at Rideau Hall as Don Cherry is installed as Governor General will just have to wait for the Fates to correct this tragic turn of events."

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