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11 September 2007

The only thing missing...

Is the black helicopters...
“Every time I’ve done any stories it goes online and all these conspiracy theorists start up and they call me and harass me,” said Mrs. McClatchey, 51, who runs her own real estate company.

In online postings, critics have ripped apart every element of the photo and Mrs. McClatchey’s life. They accuse her of faking the photo, of profiteering from it and of being part of a conspiracy to cover up that the government shot down Flight 93.

They claim the mushroom cloud is from an ordnance blast, not a jet crashing; the cloud is the wrong color for burning jet fuel; the cloud is too small and in the wrong position.

RELATED: I'll bet you didn't realise...

That Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has extended it's oily tentacles all the way into Ontario...
I'm writing this in confidence so I hope you will keep it on the DL.

I'm sure you're already aware of the attempts, but I thought you should know a bunch of folks have contacted me trying to develop some united effort to expose your identity.

I am not warning you of this because I like you. I'm doing it because you have a right to remain anonymous, even if I personally happen to think you're trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Anyways, tread carefully. And rest assured I'm not assisting these people.
The best part of this... has to be the way all the "little winged monkeys" are so eager to climb on board the "Crazy Train."

"Roger that, Darth Stephen... I'll meet you at the grassy knoll."


UPDATE: Yes, Virginia... there is a DEEP TORY
Yeah, this little post? The anonymous email that some people think is imaginary?

I sent that email.

I dislike the views of "Canadian Cynic" as much as the next Tory.

But I certain am not going to be party to any attempts to blow the cover off his anonymity - even if I think is cowardly. My fellow BTers can crucify me if they want, I don't care - right is right.

Aaron... my first reaction here is curiosity rather than crucifiction.

I've just gotta ask, what sort of "united effort" was involved here?

Were people throwing in for a "private dick", blanketing Guelph to Waterloo with surveillance... or maybe contacting a psychic?

And secondly... why wasn't I invited?


Once again, the Cynic has linked back to me and again I welcome all his readers...
"I just this second noticed what sort of sleazy douchebag our infantile stalker Neo is."
What CC is referring to is the hyperlink I inserted in the paragraph above, specifically, the part that reads... the views of "Canadian Cynic".

Make sure you click on that link... and read those posts, by your favourite "Canadian Cynic"... and then decide who is actually, to once again quote CC... "a sleazy douchebag".

Just like his hero, Steffi... CC keeps squawking, "That is not fair." That's funny, I bet Wanda Watkins felt the same way.

Oh, you sad little man... you write it, you wear it.


LAST WORD: Hey Cynic... scream louder

Because there's no such thing as attracting "too much attention."

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