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07 September 2007

Remember Dalton McGuinty's solution...

To the aboriginal siege of Caledonia -- he hired some old Liberal pals to run around the neighbourhood asking questions...
A local developer whose housing project was stalled by a Six Nations protest this week should not be left to fend for himself, Ontario Conservative leader John Tory said Thursday.
John Tory says he'd actually uphold the law of the land... there's a refreshing idea.
"If you look across Brant County, if you look across Haldimand, it's not just one developer," Tory said. "We can not have a situation like that, where people take the law into their own hands."

Tory said he would offer help to developers facing similar situations, using civil courts and the "moral authority" of the premier's office to ensure laws are upheld.

"I'm going to be an advocate of one law for all."

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