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07 September 2007

Osama ramping up the pressure?

Hold on tight folks, this could get ugly, uh... pretty.

No overt threats... but plenty of sex appeal... signals new phase of terror war on "Great Satan."
-- WASHINGTON (AP) -- A new video of Osama bin Laden makes no overt threats against the United States and appears to have been made as recently as this summer, a government official said Friday.
It's true... that old grey beard thing just wasn't doing it for me. The new, improved Osama has really got his isla-mojo hummin'.

Rumours also persist that close advisors have been working on bin Laden to change out of his lucky yellow, Tora-Bora robe... with very little success.

I'm thinkin' that must be one funky secret hideout...
"Hey, Osama... look kiddo, I love what you've done with the beard, but can we maybe talk deodorant?"
It sure ain't easy bein' a freedom fighter.


UPDATE: Sure thing Ozzie... count me in

Now, the problem, in case you've been, say... living in an isolated cave somewhere for the last six years... is that North Americans are mostly dumb as dogshit infidels and not believers in the One True God.

Today Osama put his cards on the table.
“There are two solutions to stopping it.

One is from our side, and it is to escalate the fighting and killing against you.

This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out,” Mr. bin Laden said.

“The second solution is from your side,” he said. “I invite you to embrace Islam.”
Sure... that could happen, you deluded, homicidal freak.

Read the transcript.

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