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09 September 2007

Outing Miss Daisy

I'm pretty sure there's a little more blood to be wrung out of this stone... come join the debate...

You want dissonance... come watch the lunatic left (hey... what exactly happened to feminist ideals) defend a man whose vocabulary consists primarily of the words "cunt" and "slut".

UPDATE: The Cynic tries some arm-twisting

Now he's threatening Stephen Taylor of the Blogging Tories.
So, Stephen ... shall we take bets on how long it is before Neo crosses the line into actual stalking?

Ah, but that's not your problem, is it? We've already established your level of principles and, sadly, they're nothing to write home about, so don't sweat it.

Until the first application for a restraining order.

Then maybe you're going to have some explaining to do.
Funny how the whole world is fair game for CC's foul, unreasoning rants... but presto... out come the legal threats as soon as the lens is turned the other way.

The flopsweat's a little off-putting... but you've gotta love the irony here.


RELATED: Hey CC... find anything good?

Sitemeter tells me someone is frantically pawing through my old posts at Google cache... presumably looking for the holy grail of my downfall.

Gee, Cynic... how's that been workin out for you?


And sure enough, CC replies...
"I can assure you that wasn't me since, given our current conflict, there's no logical reason why I'd want to peruse your archives."
That's his story and he's stickin' to it.

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