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09 September 2007

Fiberals and Blockheads on board...

As Prime Minister Harper spells it out for Elections Canada.
-- SYDNEY, Australia -- Elections Canada has undermined Parliament with a decision that Muslim women may vote, even if they refuse to confirm their identity by showing their faces at the polling station, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Sunday.
This just makes sense and more importantly, it's the law of the land.

Even Muslim groups have said the veil doesn't supercede this legislation.
Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress said the issue doesn't have to be such a controversial one. The solution, he said is as simple as having women who wear the niqab show their faces to female elections officials.
But wait a minute, there's one fundamentalist firebrand who's voting for the veil... Taliban Jack bin Layton...
The NDP, however, said it can live with the current rules on veils in the three ballots on Sept. 17, while agreeing that changes could come later.
Hey Jack... you might wanna check with Olivia on this one.

Goin' out on a limb here... but I'm guessin' she's a no-veil kinda girl.

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