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17 August 2007

Whaddaya say...

We figure out how to deliver affordable, adequate heath care to law-abiding, tax paying citizens... before we try to save all the scum-sucking junkies from themselves.
-- VANCOUVER -- Two drug addicts and a group that runs Canada's only safe-injection site have launched court action in an effort to pre-empt any federal effort to close the place.

They argue Insite provides a health service under provincial jurisdiction so the federal government shouldn't play any role in its future. And they say its closure would violate addicts' Charter rights to “security of the person.”
And, by the way, it'd better not be my tax dollars that's paying the freight here.


RELATED: C'mon over here, ya freakin parasites... I'll inject you with something


LAST WORD: It's a mad, mad world
This slays me. A camera on every telephone pole and fence post, parents buying their kids kevlar lined school uniforms, but I'M the crazy one for wanting to keep a gun at home.

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