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17 August 2007

Remember, "I won't raise your taxes"?

Whaddaya figure McGuinty's gonna lie about next?
-- TORONTO -- The Ontario government had a surplus of $2.3-billion in the 2006-07 fiscal year but used it to pay off some of the provincial debt, and never considered reducing or eliminating the province's controversial health tax, Finance Minister Greg Sorbara said Friday.
Has anybody added up the cost of all the Fiberals pre-election bribery?
“Every time this guy who claims to be a finance minister puts on a new pair of pants he seems to find $2-billion,” said Mr. Tory, a former president of Rogers Cable.

“I can assure you, having run a large organization before, you don't just find $2-billion.”
C'mon Dalton... gimme back my money.