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08 August 2007

The usual suspects

Calling all restless, unemployed troublemakers...
Supporters for local Mohawk activist Shawn Brant will rally at the Napanee courthouse Friday when Brant faces a bail review.

Poverty and aboriginal activists will gather at the Superior Court of Justice court house on Thomas Street East to support Brant and demonstrate on Prisoner Justice Day, say messages sent out on aboriginal and anti-poverty mailing lists.
Isn't the internet wonderful?

And how is being a "poverty or aboriginal activist" now considered to be a job?

Closing down public venues, seizing private property and screaming at bystanders... has to rank somewhere close to "squeegee kid" on any self-respecting adult's resume.

One last small jurisprudential note...
Brant was already out on bail during the aboriginal day of action.

Remember Shawn Brant's sad tale...

Of how his wife miscarried, fetching water from a contaminated well?

Well, why aren't the Mohawks dealing with that problem, before pounding money into recreation?
Funding for the Tyendinaga Fitness Centre includes $92,000 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, a grant officially announced at the new fitness centre Tuesday.

It is the largest Trillium grant for the area, said MPP Leona Dombrowsky. The province recently increased the Trillium Foundation total grant amount from $100 million to $120 million.
Heck, I guess it's not that big a deal... if you don't have have uncontaminated water, you can always stock up on Coca-Cola, right?
The fitness centre contributes to a solution to the diabetes epidemic in native communities, where an estimated 27 per cent of people have it, said Carol Loft, a regional diabetes worker with the Southern Ontario Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative.
Newsflash folks... playing ping-pong doesn't cure diabetes.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Daniel Erasmus replies...
As a member of Canada's First Nation, I find it disturbing that you are willing to paint us all with one brush.
Geez, Daniel... you mean like Shawn Brant blaming all his problems on "racist white society."

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