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29 August 2007

Two opposing points of view

Perhaps Toronto Mayor David Miller should sit up and take note.
-- FLORENCE, Italy -- Florence, Renaissance city of art and history, is trying to clean up its streets by cracking down on squeegee men, saying they were causing "great danger" to drivers and pedestrians alike.

Mayor Leonardo Domenici issued a decree last week to force the squeegee men — people who wash drivers' windshields and demand payment — off the streets, imposing fines and detention of up to three months.

Jean Leonard Touadi, a security adviser for Rome's City Hall, said the problem was real in many big cities.

"In very recent time, these people have become very aggressive, mainly with women," Touadi said.
On the other hand, I guess the egalitarian, progressive left feels a modern womyn should be able to tai-bo these social misfits right onto their aggressive, freeloading asses...
While the measure was applauded by some, leftist politicians said Florence was going after the wrong people.

"If there are attacks against people, they have to be stopped," Social Solidarity Minister Paolo Ferrero said in an interview with The Associated Press Television News. "But to consider being a squeegee in itself a crime, it is wrong."
Yup... maybe we need some safe-begging sites.

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