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29 August 2007

Is Steffi schizophrenic?

Is this a really bad piece of writing, or is Stéphane Dion simply off his medication?
-- ST. JOHN'S -- Liberals continued Wednesday to sabre-rattle about a possible fall election even as they admitted they could use more time to woo voters.

Leader Stéphane Dion said Liberals don't want an election, but won't hesitate to vote against a bad Throne Speech this fall, even if it means toppling the minority Tory government.

“We want this Parliament to work,” he told reporters on his way into a Liberal caucus retreat to plot strategy for the fall.
It sounds to me as though Dion hasn't the faintest idea what he wants. I've heard more coherent strategy on promos for "Who's Smarter than a Fifth Grader?"

He may want to work on his smarmy, Eddie Haskell-like, sense of humour while he's at it.
“You may write what you want about us.... Don't worry, we're not the Conservatives, we will not send the police to hurt you,” he joked as MPs and senators gave reporters a standing ovation.
No wonder Garth Turner thinks he's got a shot at the Liberal Leadership.

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