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02 August 2007

Things sure are hoppin'...

In David Miller's metrosexual tourist mecca...
A 38-year-old man walked into the Royal Bank of Canada's main branch at Front and Bay streets around 2:15 p.m. and demanded cash as he passed a note to the teller, police said.

The casually dressed man said he was armed with a bomb.

The suspect was visiting Toronto from Uganda, police said.
Stand by for Fiberal Attorney General Michael Bryant's press conference... banning bombs.

Hey... it would make at least as much sense as Mikey's universally lauded (cough, cough) "ban on pitbulls".
Give me an Australian Cattle dog, an Akita and a Silky Terrier, and I'll make you a 25 pound wolverine that answers to "Fido".

RELATED: Banning the shit out of everything...

Does nothing to stop actual criminals.
Const. Rob Plunkett, 43, a 22-year veteran of the force, was working with two other officers conducting surveillance work sometime after 5 a.m. in the city just north of Toronto, when it is alleged that one of the suspects noticed officers watching them.

Police say the officers were preparing to make an arrest when a suspect then drove a vehicle towards police, hitting Plunkett and then a tree, with the vehicle ending up on a lawn.

Plunkett died shortly afterwards.
Two in custody... more details at 4 pm.

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