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19 August 2007

They say courage is...

Grace under pressure... here's a guy who managed to keep it together and save his own life.
-- GRANDE PRAIRIE, ALTA. -- A man armed with a machete-style hunting knife suffered serious injuries as he fought off and killed an angry mother grizzly bear.
Looks like this fortunate fellow has a story he can trot out and impress the grandkids with, somewhere down the road.
The man had bite marks and scratches and appeared to have at least one broken limb.

"That's good condition, considering," Const. Beattie said. "He ended up unintentionally cutting between the mom and the cubs, and as a result mom got a little upset and went after him."
I've gotta say though, I can't wait for PETA to get all over his ass about not carrying bear spray.

But I bet they don't do it in person.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Bear's eye-view
The grizzly rammed into his stomach and then grabbed his left arm with its jaws. As the two went down, McLellan plunged the knife into its back between the shoulder and neck.

“I sunk it right to the end and instantly I could still see the blood spraying,” he said. “I must have hit an artery because I was covered head to toe with warmth instantly.”

The bear then bit him on his torso and his right arm but McLellan managed to stab it again twice in the neck. The grizzly then turned around and walked way, allowing McLellan to get up and walk away even though his left arm was now broken.

“I didn’t even look at her at all,” he said. “I didn’t even know I had killed it until the following day.”
No word yet on whether this guy's asshole will ever unpucker.

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