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19 August 2007

Noble stewards of Mother Earth...

Say, "Screw it... I want mine."
-- VANCOUVER -- Native fishermen are vowing to head out onto the lower Fraser River this weekend to fish for sockeye salmon – defying a federal ban – in part to protest against the continuing recreational fishery.

So, today or tomorrow, according to Mr. Crey, natives in fishing boats will cast nets into the Fraser, partly as a gesture of protest and partly as a way to stock their freezers for the winter.
No sense worrying about the future, huh guys? Maybe the Great Spirit can work a little "fish and loaves" magic of his own.

It sure sounds like we're gonna need a miracle.
At the root of the dispute is a stunning collapse in the size of this year's runs of sockeye on the Fraser, and the resulting plummet in the size of the allowable catch.

FROM THE COMMENTS: The standard progressive retort...

From one of Red Tory's buddies.
"Hey Stalker? Suck my fat cock. :)"

Posted by Ti-Guy to halls of macadamia at 4:49 AM, August 19, 2007
Looks like Ti-Guy's having a little trouble getting to sleep.

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