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16 August 2007

Paying Peter to subvert Paul

Trust me, I'm from the government... I'm here to save you.
-- WASHINGTON -- The Census Bureau wants immigration agents to suspend enforcement raids during the 2010 census so the government can obtain an accurate count of illegal immigrants.

Supporters of stricter immigration laws said the whole discussion of suspending raids shows that the immigration system is broken.

"If you don't enforce your laws, this is what you are going to get, one agency asking another agency to subvert the law," said Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates stricter enforcement of immigration laws.

RELATED: Meanwhile, Canada takes a reciprocal bearing
-- OTTAWA -- While the United States Congress turns up its nose at immigration reform, Canada is poised to start negotiations that would bring even more Mexican workers into this country.

An agreement to strike a commission into increased labour mobility is expected to be among the key accomplishments connected with next week's summit of North American leaders in Montebello, Que.

Mexico's ambassador to Canada, Emilio Goicoechea, said in an interview that the idea is to expand an already successful program that brings in thousands of Mexican agricultural workers every year.

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