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16 August 2007

I can't wait to see the counter-suit...

For diaper changes, clothing and twenty years of room & board.
-- SURREY, B.C. -- A middle-aged Surrey man who alleges his father beat him and made him hand over his paycheques, including what he earned as a newspaper delivery boy, is suing his dad for $56,588.
You've just gotta love the retroactivity built into the Canadian legal system. If I'd known about this while my father was still alive, I could have sued him for all the pain and suffering he inflicted on me while he was teaching me to drive.
The son, now a construction worker, alleges his father started demanding the money he earned as a 16-year-old newspaper delivery boy in 1973. He says the demands continued when he took a part-time job at a restaurant while in school, after dropping out of school and when he worked at a boat plant.
This is certainly one way to announce to the world that you're a whiney, little suckass who never grew up.

Good luck with the rest of your life.

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