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21 August 2007

My Canada includes Simon Longtin...

And the 3e Bataillon du Royal 22e Regiment...
Longtin's comrades bristled when asked about the lack of support for the war in their home province.

"They should inform themselves better. We're not here for nothing," said Auclair.

Derrick Farnham, a lieutenant with Quebec's Black Watch regiment who is stationed in Kandahar, agreed.

If there's a message soldiers in Afghanistan would like to convey, Farnham said in an e-mail, "it's that we want to be here and we want to finish the job we have come to do."

RELATED: A statement from the Longtin family
"It is never easy for parents to lose one of their children. We are devastated by the death of our Simon, who left us in dignity while proudly serving his country with tremendous honor, amongst his brothers in arms in Afghanistan."
He will be remembered.

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