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21 August 2007

Here's a war...

That could actually affect you personally...
US job website has suffered an online attack with the personal data of hundreds of thousands of users stolen, says a security firm.

"This remote server held over 1.6 million entries with personal information belonging to several hundred thousands of candidates, mainly based in the US, who had posted their resumes to the website," reported Symantec.
It appears as though anybody who has ever used Ebay, or done any type of online shopping could be similarly exploited.
Symantec said it had seen reports of phishing e-mails sent out to users which were "very realistic" and contained "personal information of the victims".

The e-mail encouraged users to download a Monster Job Seeker Tool, which was in fact a program that encrypted files in their computer and left a ransom note demanding money for their decryption.
The "double edged sword" of technology.

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