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15 August 2007

A little stab'll do ya

I don't think I'll be heading down to Queen St. West, anytime in the near future...
A Queen St. W. safety audit released by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas cited graffiti on storefronts, assaults on business owners, break-ins, vagrants sleeping on doorsteps and open drug and alcohol abuse.

"The laneways we examined were `no-go' areas, completely taken over by vandalism and evidence of drinking, drug use and other inappropriate activities. Business owners who rely on access to their establishments through the rear laneway face potential risk any time they open their back door," the report said.

The association also places the blame on four nearby social service agencies, including St. Christopher House. Patrons acted aggressively and harassed passersby.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone, who represents the area, said one shouldn't let the complaints of a few residents give a skewed perspective of the street, which has the highest concentration of art galleries and artists in the city.

"It's one of the safest neighbourhoods in the city of Toronto. It is now and is continuing to be."
Yeah sure Joe... tell that to Ross Hammond.

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