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15 August 2007

Befehl ist Befehl

Chuck Guite trots out the Nuremburg Defense.
-- QUEBEC CITY -- Charles (Chuck) Guite says he was just following orders when he doled out millions of taxpayers' dollars to ad agencies in return for little or no work on the sponsorship program.
I'm not really sure why Chuckie thought this would work... it seems about as persuasive as the infamous, "But mom, all the other guys are doing it" gambit I used to use when I was twelve years old. Significantly, like a small boy, he's also pointing fingers at uber-fiberals Alfie Gags and Teflon Jean.
Guite lays the blame for the scandal directly on his higher-ups -- former minister of public works Alfonso Gagliano and former prime minister Jean Chretien. He says the suit against him should be dropped and those in power at the time should be sued instead.
Funny how a 30 million dollar lawsuit can lubricate even a bureaucratic bagmans' conscience. He certainly was a little less willing to give it up at his original trial...
Guite showed little emotion during the sentencing and had nothing to say before Quebec Superior Court Justice Fraser Martin handed down the sentence.

"Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this case is Mr.Guite's studied and persistent lack of remorse," Martin said.
"A studied and persistent lack of remorse."

Which really sums up this whole dirty, distasteful business.

Remember, "Friends don't let friends vote Liberal".


RELATED: More "Entitled to his entitlements"
-- OTTAWA -- The RCMP laid charges of fraud, breach of trust and obstruction of justice yesterday against Senator Raymond Lavigne, a Chrétien-era patronage appointee who is suspended from the Liberal caucus but continues to receive his salary.

The obstruction of justice charge stems from Mr. Lavigne's conduct when the Senate started investigating his activities in 2006.

"It is alleged that he asked his employees to make false statements before and after the Senate started its investigation," RCMP Sergeant Monique Beauchamp said.

Mr. Lavigne has recently been on medical leave, but senators asked to hire a doctor to check whether he actually underwent hemorrhoid surgery.
Well... something certainly smells here.

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