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27 August 2007

Let's not get too excited

Maybe Siva Yogi Shanmugadhasan belongs to the local machinegun club...
Several of the guns were inoperable but the majority were machine-guns such as AK-47s, Uzis, MP-5s, Stens, semi-automatic handguns and several high-powered long guns with bipods.

UPDATE: Apparently Mr. Shanmugadhasan has issues
Police located the firearms after Gatineau police launched an investigation into accusations of a domestic-related incident between Mr. Shanmugadhasan, 48, and a woman with whom he had been in a relationship.
I mean, we're talkin' bitter, alcoholic doper...
Mr. Shanmugadhasan, who filed a $2-million lawsuit against his former employer and two insurance companies in May following a dispute over disability benefits, claimed in court documents supporting the lawsuit that he suffers from "psychological conditions" and "longstanding substance dependence" to alcohol and, in the years leading up to 2004, cocaine.
He also isn't anyone's idea of a model citizen.
Prior to his arrest this week, Mr. Shanmugadhasan was not known to police.

However, the Citizen has learned he once served about three years in a California prison in the early 1980s, following a drug conviction.
Funny... the 2 billion dollar Farmer Bob Rifle Registry seems to have missed all that.

Thank goodness he tripped himself up.

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