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27 August 2007

If you're really set on murder...

My guess is, no amount of multicultural festivals, debates or telephone hotlines is gonna change your mind.
-- AMSTERDAM -- The Dutch government will spend $38-million (U.S.) over the next four years to prevent both the growth of Islamic fundamentalism and right-wing nationalism, an official said Monday.

Interior Affairs Minister Guusje ter Horst described a mix of “soft measures,” like sponsoring multicultural debates and creating job internships, and “hard measures,” including cracking down on truancy.
So hey, all you would be murderers... watch out for the truant officer.

And that's not the entire package, by any means.
A teacher who notices students voicing racist or fundamentalist notions should be able to call a hotline for advice, for example, Ms. Ter Horst said.
No wonder we had to liberate these dopes in WWII.


RELATED: While politicians fiddle...

Cops decide to go with "Plan B".
-- THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- A Philippine communist leader accused of commanding a rebel uprising for more than 20 years from his home in exile was arrested by Dutch police Tuesday, suspected of ordering the murder of two former allies in his home country, prosecutors said.
Thank goodness for the thin blue line.