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04 July 2007

You mean cowardly, backstabbing...

Fundamentalist sociopaths, don't you?
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A roadside bomb has killed six Canadian soldiers along with their Afghan interpreter, as the Taliban continue to launch "bold attacks" in an area the military considers largely pacified.
Bold attacks, huh? You mean the booby traps that mostly kill and maim Afghan civilians and small children, right?

You wanna know the truth about these guys...
They're getting pretty good at sneak attacks that kill and dismember innocent bystanders, but every time these death-donkeys go head to head against actual soldiers... they get their asses handed to them.
Despite what the Globe and Taliban Jack are preaching.

What the media and bin-Layton rarely mention...
This year, 19 Canadian soldiers have been killed by IEDs, and only one has died under direct fire from insurgents.
There's your "BOLD ATTACKS", you snivelling socialist.

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