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08 July 2007

Sarkozy steps up...

Ends long tradition of surrendering to loony left... leaves countrymen flabbergasted.
-- FRANCE -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy has refused to pardon prisoners on Bastille Day - breaking with a traditional gesture on the 14 July holiday.
Of course... some citizens are more disturbed than others.
Prison officers said they were concerned that Mr Sarkozy's decision could lead to disturbances among inmates.

"The reduction of sentences are much anticipated and have a real psychological impact at the heart of the prison population," the SNP-FO prison staff union said in a statement.
Goodness gracious... we wouldn't want to upset the poor prisoners.
Last July, Mr Sarkozy's predecessor, Jacques Chirac, freed some 3,500 inmates in a Bastille Day amnesty.
Well then, I guess things are looking up.

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