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08 July 2007

"Maybe they used to sell petrol"

These guys must just sit around, laughing at how oblivious we are to the growing Islamist threat.
It is an innocent looking semi-detached property in the university city of Cambridge from where an Islamic charity, dedicated to peace and interfaith friendship, operates.

The leaders of the Islamic Academy are so moderate that they were recently invited to share a platform with Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Yet there are growing suspicions that this suburban house is where the origins of the suspected London and Glasgow bomb plots may lie, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.
Funny... there seems to be an sudden outbreak of amnesia at the academy.
On Friday, those attending prayers at the academy, more than half of them in their twenties and many highly educated, insisted they could not remember any of the suspects.
Of course, that's not nearly as alarming as the... at minimum... willful ignorance down at the mosque.
Sejad Mekic, the imam at the Cambridge mosque which Abdullah also attended, gave a sermon on Friday condemning all acts of terror.

However, he later said he had doubts that the incident at Glasgow airport was a terrorist attack, saying it could have been a car accident.

"I still haven't made my conclusion," he said.

When it was pointed out that containers of petrol were reportedly found in the car, he said: "Maybe they used to sell petrol."

RELATED: Allah must've sent the "B Team"

Four men have been found guilty of plotting to carry out suicide bombings on London's transport network on 21 July 2005.

Muktar Said Ibrahim, 29, Yassin Omar, 26, Ramzi Mohammed, 25, and Hussain Osman, 28, were convicted of conspiracy to murder, at Woolwich Court.
So instead of 72 virgins, these donkeyheads get to be married to the scary, sociopathic weightlifter with the most cigarettes.

Frankly, it looks good on them.
"The failure of those bombs to explode owed nothing to the intention of these defendants, rather it was simply the good fortune of the travelling public that day that they were spared."
Funny how that "will of Allah" thing works out.

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