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02 July 2007

Maybe that night, it just wasn't...

The will of Allah...
Only a technical fault stopped hundreds being injured and possibly dying. The bombs were rigged to go off when the mobile phones – the detonators – were called.

The bombers called the Tiger Tiger car twice and the other car four times but the bombs failed to detonate. Police were able to use information from the phones to trace the suspects.
D'ya figure you get any "virgin points" for a good try?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Al-Qaida is planning a large-scale terror attack on a US target this summer, a senior CIA official told ABC News.

"This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001," the official said.

RELATED: Canada ramps up
The nightmarish scenario — detonation of a device containing a modest amount of americium-241, a silvery plutonium byproduct — is among several sobering projections quietly mapped out by federal officials to prepare for a terrorist attack in urban Canada.

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