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03 July 2007

In light of current events...

I have to ask,,, do Muslim physicians take the Hippocratic Oath?
-- BBC -- Eight people arrested in connection with failed car bombings in Glasgow and London all have links with the National Health Service, the BBC has learned.

Seven are believed to be doctors or medical students, while one formerly worked as a laboratory technician.
In one positive sign from the Muslim community, there is some disavowal regarding this latest terror campaign.
Speaking at a Muslim Council of Britain press conference, Dr Muhammed Abdul Bari said those who sought to kill or maim innocent people were "enemies of all of Muslims and non-Muslims".

UPDATE: Voice of reason
-- LONDON, July 3 (Reuters) -- Iraqi doctors working in Britain expressed anger on Tuesday that one of their number could be involved in the London and Glasgow bomb plots, saying they feared it could harm their reputation.

"A lot of people will just quickly point the finger at Middle Eastern doctors now, I know it and I guess to an extent I can't blame them," said Mudher al-Khairallah an Iraqi-British internist at Ninewells hospital in Dundee, Scotland.

RELATED: It ain't over, til it's over
Heathrow Airport's Terminal 4 has been evacuated after suspect baggage sparked a security alert.

Passengers were advised to leave the building because of a "suspect bag", airport operator BAA said.

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