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03 July 2007

Can somebody please tell me...

Why the media and the lunatic left are going apeshit over the Scooter Libby pardon... while "Slick Willy" gets a free ride?
Bill Clinton granted 395 pardons during his presidency, comparable in number to other recent presidents.

However, of that total 140 were issued on his final day in office. His final day pardon of financier Marc Rich, who had fled the country on tax evasion charges, immediately erupted in controversy.

There were charges that emissaries of Rich had used personal influence and campaign contributions to win the pardon.
What a bunch of happy hypocritical horseshit.


UPDATE: Hillary Clinton starts digging
Her husband's pardons, issued in the closing hours of his presidency, were simply routine exercise in the use of the pardon power, and none were aimed at protecting the Clinton presidency or legacy, she said.
So, those "campaign contributions" were totally coincidental, right?

She's got bigger balls than Bill.


THE SCOOP: Show me the money!!!
Marc Rich's socialite ex-wife has donated an estimated $1 million to Democratic causes, including $70,000 to Hillary Clinton's successful Senate campaign and $450,000 to the Clinton presidential library fund.

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