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03 July 2007

And they wonder why...

Infant mortality is exponentially higher in the aboriginal population...
-- SECHELT, B.C. -- Members of the Sechelt First Nation, on the Sunshine Coast north of Vancouver, have held an emergency meeting following an ugly incident with RCMP.

Several members of the band, including a seven-month-old baby, were pepper-sprayed Monday as RCMP officers faced what they say was an unruly crowd.
I love how the media automatically tries to paint this as police brutality... completely ignoring the legal and safety issues. The driver refused to stop for a police car, then he ran a roadblock... which suggests, at minimum, some toxicological or intellectual impairment.
Members of the First Nation say a local soccer coach was using his pickup truck to drive several team members through the reserve to celebrate a tournament victory when police intervened.

Police said that 10 people were crowded into the back of the truck and that the driver refused orders to stop.
One question here.

Was the baby with one of the ten people standing up in the back of the truck... or did mom, unlike any sane parent... just wade into the melee looking to beat on a cop?

Yup... mom wanted to fight.
"The child's mother was the spouse of the person we were trying to arrest," Linteau said. "She also became very combative and was trying to push at the officers and trying to interfere. It's unfortunate that she would bring a baby into a situation like that."
That's one word. It's also crazy and a criminal offense.

Somebody please call Childrens Aid.


UPDATE: Well, I guess he could've shot somebody

Instead of using pepper spray.
The RCMP today defended a police officer's decision to use pepper spray Monday to control a "confrontational" crowd in Sechelt that was celebrating a Vancouver soccer tournament victory by Sechelt band soccer teams.
There's just no keeping these folks happy.


RELATED: It takes a village...
Full of idiots to let this happen again and again.

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