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30 June 2007

Whatever you do...

In Dalton McGuinty's politically correct nanny-state... don't actually call a thing by it's proper name...
Native protesters swept in at 9 p.m. Thursday night and protest leader, Mohawk Shawn Brant, said they were armed and willing to use force if police intervened.

"We've made no secret that we have guns within this camp."
While the media continues to soft pedal Shawn Brant's domestic blackmail and terrorism as a "protest" or "an inconvenience..." one politician, and one only, has the integrity to call it like it is...
"You can't have people walking around with balaclavas and carrying guns," Tory said. "We have to restore and maintain respect for the law.

McGuinty has got to use the courts and every other means available to say that we just can't have the law being disrespected."
Or we're no different than the Gaza Strip.


RELATED: OPP continue to refuse...

To enforce the law of the land... when it involves aboriginals.
CN Rail expressed frustration with police for refusing to stop an illegal blockade in Eastern Ontario that disrupted the key train system that transports $100-million worth of goods along the crucial Montreal-Toronto corridor yesterday.

For the third time in 15 months, a blockade forced CN Rail to leave 25 trains sitting idle, while transport trucks were slowed on the highway and nearly 5,000 Via Rail passengers had to change their long-weekend travel plans.
Will Brant walk away unscathed again?
Presumably the OPP figured it was best to wait for Brant to surrender, which he has done in the past, rather than inflame a potentially volatile situation. But they refused to explain the decision.

"All we can say right now is that we'll execute the warrant when it's appropriate," Const. Angie Atkinson said.

Initially it was thought Brant would surrender once the blockades came down. But Brant had no plans to spend the long weekend in jail. Instead, he said he would enjoy Canada Day with his family and then turn himself in mid-week.
Who's running the OPP anyway... Julian Fantino, or Shawn Brant?


Anonymous said...
Did you feel as angry when the farmers blocked the 401 with their tractors?

Grandad said...
I was enraged... Then I ate.

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