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30 June 2007

In other Aboriginal news...

No good deed... goes unpunished.
-- PINE RIDGE, South Dakota (AP) -- Tribal police Thursday shut down a volunteer blockade aimed at keeping beer out of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where alcoholism is rampant, and arrested three organizers who refused to leave.

RELATED: It's like that time travel paradox

Facts don't matter to the lunatic left... you're always gonna end up being a racist, a whatever-o-phobe or a nazi...
Brainwashed by years of Little Big Man propaganda, their eyes blinded by New Age sweetgrass, the average Canadian lefty's tiny conscience -- a wizened chunk of white guilt, junk science and bad history at the best of times -- bursts like the Grinch's heart when you say anything bad about natives.
Even when they can't explain why.

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