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05 June 2007

Shutting down free speech...

In Deseronto...
A controversial citizens group involved in the Caledonia land claim dispute has been turned away from Deseronto's public meeting rooms.

Mark Vandermaas, editor of the Voice of Canada Internet weblog, and others planned to come to Deseronto to hold a public meeting about "the rule of law" and the "two-tiered justice system" his organization says allows violence to prevail in native land claim protests.

But first the Deseronto Lions Hall, then the Royal Canadian Legion in the town denied them meeting space, said Vandermaas.
So, you can seize and loot a privately owned business with impunity and shut down the country's largest rail carrier for days... as long as you are aboriginal.

Just don't try speaking up in Deseronto, if you're a non-native.
For Vandermaas, who did a UN peacekeeping tour in 1978, it was surprising to be denied by the legion. He said he was told by legion president Tom Dowling that his group is sectarian and the legion is non-political with a large native membership.

"I was stunned," he said. "If anyone should know the value of free speech and equality, it should be the legion."
One last question...

This group simply wants to address the violence and illegality of the native land claim actions.

So why is it, the only people who aren't breaking the law of the land... are labelled a "controversial citizens group?"

No built-in bias here, huh?


"Maybe he should try calling back and saying he's gay."

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