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05 June 2007

I guess Al Sharpton was busy...

Be it resolved: That guns, drugs and marginalised thugs are the fault of "a racist white society."
-- TORONTO (CP) -- The Toronto District School Board has named prominent lawyer Julian Falconer to chair a safety panel.

The move comes in response to the fatal shooting of 15-year-old Jordan Manners in his Toronto high school almost two weeks ago.
Now, haven't I heard that name somewhere just recently?
Julian Falconer, a lawyer for Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto, called the findings of racism and the appearance of government interference "unprecedented."

"The report is a damning indictment," he told reporters. "Mike Harris must admit he did wrong and apologize."
Yup, you don't need a weatherman...


RELATED: Didn't we already figure this out?
A couple of sociopathic thugs from a welfare hellhole murder the kid down the street. Should we alter the law of the land to penalise law abiding Canadians?

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