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13 June 2007

Pope puts his money...

Where his mouth is...
The Vatican has urged all Catholics to stop donating money to Amnesty International, accusing the human rights group of promoting abortion.
To be honest, I don't understand why this is only happening now.

When I was a kid at Catholic primary school... the nuns made us understand there was absolutely no wiggle room on stuff like this. Shit... I got strapped for throwin' snowballs at recess.

We were terrified of mortal sins
... which probably explains why I'm a lapsed Catholic and have chosen to raise my boy without it.

I guess I've never understood why Paul Martin, who is nominally RC... was never taken to task over supporting SSM. I mean, you either drop the rule against the whole (and let's remember there were more than a few RC homo clergy messes) can of homosexual worms... or you clobber people when they cross the line.

Nobody respects a wishy-washy leader, secular or otherwise.


RELATED: And if that's not enough...
-- OTTAWA (CP) -- Amnesty International is calling on Ottawa to demand the return of a Canadian terror suspect being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Amnesty International spokesman Alex Neve says it's time for Canada to demand that Khadr be transferred to Canadian custody.

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