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13 June 2007

Hey, Benny... over here

While the Pope's busy takin' out a fatwa on Amnesty International... Mexico decides to see if they can slip one past him.
-- MEXICO CITY, June 13 (Reuters) -- Mexico City's leftist lawmakers plan to legalize prostitution, the latest step toward making the sprawling capital the most liberal in Latin America, following laws allowing abortion and same-sex unions.

The changes have outraged the Roman Catholic Church and conservative sectors of society and provoked Pope Benedict to threaten politicians with excommunication if they supported abortion.

The abortion law has been challenged by the federal government in Mexico's Supreme Court.
Like I was saying just below... how'd Paul Martin manage to fly in under the Vatican radar?


RELATED: Are Canadian clerics just way laid back?

Or is it simply the Anglicans?
While the archbishops said that blessing the unions of same-sex couples does not touch on the church's “core doctrine,” last month the national House of Bishops issued a pastoral statement saying that the “doctrine and discipline of our church does not clearly permit same-sex blessings.”

The archbishops' statement is signed by John Bothwell, Terence Finlay and Percy O'Driscoll, all former metropolitans, or chief bishops, of Ontario; David Crawley and David Somerville, former metropolitans of British Columbia; and Arthur Peters, former metropolitan of Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.

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