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04 June 2007

Boys will be, well...

Statistically less prevalent... for one thing...
If you are thinking of having children and want to have a boy, you might want to book that romantic weekend getaway soon. Boys are getting harder to make, according to a new analysis.

The cause remains a mystery.

Davis and her colleagues suspect that much of the shift is because of exposure to gender-bending pollutants, including certain plastics and metals that have been shown in laboratory experiments to preferentially harm male-producing sperm or to cause feminization of genetically male fetuses.
Scary stuff.

Read something just lately about all the out of date pharmaceuticals people are flushing down their toilets in Toronto... which end up in Lake Ontario.

Seems the fallout from millions of households, dumping over decades... has the potential to affect the marine food chain... and do who knows what to humans when they get that water back through their taps.

Just happy I'm on a well.

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