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09 May 2007

You can tell it's a dumbed down...

Piece of crap... when it passes the smell test for viewing in France...
The French will soon be watching some homespun Canadiana – the quirky CBC-TV comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie.
I watched the first episode of this oinker solely on the basis of the massive media buzz.

God help us all, if this is how other countries come to see Canada.

Another politically correct fairy tale by the CBC


UPDATE: Here's a plot line you'll never see
In a "disturbing" attack caught on surveillance video, a man attacked another man with a kitchen knife on the doorstep of a downtown Toronto mosque Tuesday evening before turning the knife on himself, police say.

Before anyone gets on "my racist ass"...

You know... about how this crime could have been committed by some totally unconnected infidel passers-by...
Mafas Hashem has been charged with: Attempted murder; Assault with a weapon; Weapons dangerous; and Carrying a concealed weapon.

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