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18 May 2007

There's a killer lurking among us...

More feeble attempts at fearmongering... it must be a slow news day.

This bit of pseudo-news comes to us, courtesy of Dr. Craig Newgard, who has apparently devoted years of his life to studying this automotive assassin.

Much like the fiberal panic over mounting casualties in Afghanistan... which, averaged out over a year, almost equal the vehicular carnage of one Ontario 'Victoria Day long weekend', the Globe and Mail offers up the startling screed that demonic airbags are, wait for it... killing about one Canadian per year.
According to Transport Canada, 15 people have died - eight adults and seven children - over the past 14 years as a result of airbag deployment.
I'm absolutely certain this doesn't come close to the number of people who die from a fall in the shower, or even self-inflicted power tool injuries, but I guess Dr. Newgard is a "pure science" type of guy.

This statistic certainly pales in comparison to the 1200 yearly fatalities on the Canadian family farm... but hey, they're just dumb as dirt rural rednecks... right, Warren?

C'mon people... don't let yourself be manipulated.

Wake up and smell the species.

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