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27 May 2007

Second suspect in custody...

Suddenly, all pictures and references to the alleged shooter's name • which have been all over the MSM websites todaymust disappear...most wanted
"Two 17-year-olds are charged with murder in a shooting at a north-end school that left a boy dead and prompted calls for tighter gun controls and better security at city schools."

"The teens, who can't be identified under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, were charged Sunday with first-degree murder in last Wednesday's slaying of Jordan Manners, 15, at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute."

RELATED: Pompous ass McGuinty uses murder of teenager... a political stunt...
"We have seen too many shootings result in too many funerals for our young people," Premier Dalton McGuinty wrote in an open letter to federal party leaders, urging them to push through proposed criminal justice legislation and implement a "real ban" on handguns."
Hey Dalton, you're a real class act.

Please tell me how taking legal, registered firearms from law-abiding citizens would have prevented a couple of 17 year old thugs... who aren't legally allowed to possess, never mind register a handgun... from murdering one of their rivals.

One other small point...

Speaking for "my community", I should tell you that "our young people" don't travel in wolf packs and kill each other with smuggled handguns.

Could you possibly explain which "young people" you're referring to here?

More nonsense from the party of "smoke and mirrors."