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04 May 2007

Napanee OPP detachment...

Welcomes Inspector Clouseau...
An arrest warrant for the area's most notorious protester was issued by police on April 25, but it wasn't until Thursday that they got their man - and that's only because Shawn Brant turned himself in.

Asked why police couldn't locate Brant - he has been camped out at an occupied quarry near Deseronto on an almost daily basis - OPP Sgt. Kristine Rae paused.

"Funny, I asked that question ... and they (the officers) said they had been trying to locate him," she said Thursday. "They had been making efforts to try and find him to service the warrant, but it wasn't until he came here today that they were able to do it."
"Making "efforts to try" and find him???"

What does that even mean? Were these guys having trouble getting up from their chairs?

Aha! I've got it!!!

Maybe officers were just too busy answering the "feuhn", or looking for that darn "minkee."

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