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04 May 2007

Finally, a competent copy-editor...

At the National Post.


I remain a humble acolyte of Warren 'Out' Kinsella.

And he's not just, by the way, a political hack...

He's a raconteur, bon vivant and a keen judge of horsefl... er, womanflesh... ah, brains, that's it... brains... in women!!!
"It seems that "Big K" has graciously agreed to the request of Liberal Catnip, to be the Supreme Arbiter of the 'Ten Smartest Female Canadian Bloggers' extant."
Warren obviously sees himself as a tres-hip trendspotter... hell, maybe even a bleeding edge hard-rockin' trendsetter... and he's more than willing to share it all with an adoring public.

This is Kinsella at his apogee... more purple-y and prosy-er than ever.

I mean, when's the last time you saw a newspaper columnist use the expression, "one hot little stud muffin"?

Myself... I'd have stuck with, "the heir transparent."

But hey, that's just me.

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